We could easily tell you all the negative outcomes that happen to more than half of the youth aging out of the foster care system in Arizona; but, we don’t like to dwell on the negative – we like to focus on the positive actions that make the greatest impact in order to change the outcomes for the foster youth we serve.

We are realists and know it’s not easy impacting the many youth in Arizona’s foster care system. What we have learned is that with your help we can change the lives of these forgotten youth.

We have found that interacting with foster youth inside their group homes through mentorship, movie nights, life skills education, cooking, playing games, music education and sports creates trust and bonds that help foster youth regain the belief in themselves and those around them. These youth just want to be seen for the individuals they are. They don’t want to be seen as the kids that arrive in the white van, the ones that are part of the system. They want to be seen as the youth that has a talent for drawing, singing, empathy to want to help others, for their passion for cooking or their desire to learn something new. They want to be kids and be treated like every other kid and given the opportunity to find the unique skills, talents and traits that will make them have a positive impact on the world.

This is where you come in. Without caring, empathetic, loving, and driven mentors these youth don’t receive these types of positive interactions. Many times these youth experience a mentor for a short stint until they are let down that the mentor never returns. At Fostering Heroes, we don’t want youth to experience this “come-and-go” style of interaction. We want the youth to recognize that the person wearing a Fostering Heroes Everyday Mentor tee shirt is part of a team dedicated to their growth, empowerment and future.

You don’t need amazing skills – you just need to be interested in the youth. Not everyone is super at sports or can write music and that is fine. These youth just need you to be there to take interest in them, listen to them and help guide them when possible. These you just need an Everyday Hero.